Roberta Croll
Outreach Specialist
Fulbright Teacher and Administrator Exchange
Fulbright Exchanges
Resources: |
North Carolina
Principal Fellow's Program
Tom Terez
Meaningful Workplace
Awesome Library |
George Lucas
Educational Foundation
NC's Virtual High School:
CCS Web Academy
Do Something |
Ed Trust |
An Internet of the Sandhills Website
Adopt a Shar-Pei from
DC Shar-Pei
Robert Hague
"There is a romance to steel, all that flame and shiny metal.
If only the reality met it.
Truth is it's dirty, noisy and leaves one bone tired."


Mastery tip: Wishful thinking in action |
The Eight Rules of Management |
The seven worst communication habits |
One Woman, One Educator, One Heart, One Country
"Your quality of life is what you make it." by Gladys Edmunds
Harris Interactive: Educators top TRUST!
Scientists, Doctors, Teachers and Military Officers Top the List of Most Prestigious Occupations
Children of the Code by David Boulton and Implicity
An upcoming PBS documentary series that explores the invention of the 'codes' that "became so contagious and powerful that today they affect virtually every human being on the planet."
Teaching Students How To Learn by Ernest Barny, MBA
When we begin sharing the "learning process" with our students, it is truly at that moment that we enlighten them. Hats off to Mr. Barny for this one!
The ten "little ways" of great leadership from Ivy Sea Online!
The Ivy Sea Online Content Archive and PDF Library
What makes an effective, inspiring leader? Most sources cite several characteristics: integrity, vision, interpersonal excellence, courage, compassion and motivation among them. There is no greater time for Leadership in Education. Ivy Sea Online Content Archive and PDF Library may be exactly what you need if you want to:
• Change-Management and Communication Essentials • Ethics & Integrity in Your Organization • Interpersonal Skills for Everyone's Toolbox • Inspired-Leadership Essentials • "Master Your Mindset" Fundamentals • Planning Tips Series • Essentials for Small-Group Leaders • Inspired-Visioning Tips Series
How may Ivy Sea help you, your school, and school district improve its vision and leadership skills?
Ivy Sea Online Leadership&Communication Center

The Risk of Taking a Stand |
Engaged Listening and Inquiry |
To Win, Avoid Losing |
Is Your Organization Driven by Dynamic Leaders? |
Past/Future Orientation Environment: An Assessment |
Leadership - Today's Requirements and Tomorrow's Challenges |
How to Introduce a Speaker |
Intuition: The Art of Fast, Effective Decision-making |
Make Your Kids Smarter: 50 Top Tips for Grades K to 8!
by Erika V. Shearin Karres

When our children struggle with school, we are often unsure of what we
can do. Now help has arrived--with the tips and advice to help you--"Make
Your Kids Smarter: 50 Top Tips for Grades K to 8!" (Andrews McMeel
Publishing, $9.95, 2002). This book contains drills, skills, and terrific
quick tips to enhance children's learning.
Devoted parents and teachers will use this handy how-to guide to give
their kids the advantage that will make all the difference. This is a very
powerful must-have manual for everyone who believes their kids deserve the very best.
Other great books by Dr. Karres
Violence Proof Your Kids Now:
How to Recognize the 8 Warning Signs and What to Do about Them
German Tale: A Girl Surviving Hitler's Legacy
Law Update: Considering Suspension up to Ten School Days Reed Martin, J.D.
Future@Work For students about to enter the workplace - this is one book you don't
want them to miss!
The Quality of Life for Women Principals: A Study
by Julie Lynne Vandiver, Ed.D. This excellent study examines how the work requirements of the principalship affect the quality of life for women principals. And yes, it's a tough job.
Chapter 1 Introduction “The victory is not just hanging on to what you already have against all onslaughts, but that you do something different, and better."
Chapter 2 Literature Review "Your quest as a leader is a journey to find the treasure of your true self, and then to return home to give your gift to help transform the kingdom…The quest itself is replete with dangers and pitfalls, but it offers great rewards..."
Chapter 3 Presentation and Analysis of Finding Take one day at a time. Don’t give up. Find strong mentors. Network with others. Don’t take yourself too serious and save time for yourself. Be aware of your strengths and areas for development. Learn as much as possible. Keep a balance in your life and keep a sense of humor.
Case Stories of Principals
The Best Advice The following is a list of the best advice some of the principals gave to other women aspiring to positions of educational administration.
more to come!
Fulbright Administrator Exchange - Argentina
Special Uruguay Initiative for Administrators
The Fulbright Teacher and Administrator Exchange is pleased to announce two
new administrative exchange opportunities in the Czech Republic and the
Slovak Republic. Exchanges are still available in Estonia and Finland.
Is our national soul any better a year later? William J. Bennett
I fear that if we don't take on the difficult task of distilling the moral significance of the overwhelming experiences of the past year, we will lose the moral clarity and focus that was forced on us a year ago. Most critically, we must help our children gain a deeper understanding of good and evil as a result of this national ordeal.
Testing, Standards, and Accountability In education, the times are turbulent and an adjustment of priorities is the priority. Our Pilot Performance series explores a metaphor for business leadership based on techniques in aviation and the performance of pilots. It also explores a metaphor for leadership, accountability, and instructional expertise in education.
In The Crunch! Clearer skies will emerge as every child has the reading, math, and technology skills necessary to successfully navigate their future.
The Flight Environment 'Up draft' - the attitude required to move to higher altitudes - is best described as the energy engaged in creating a climate and environment of involvement and support for higher standards, performance, and expectations.
Unlearning A greater dependency on reliable and relevant data and information is of utmost importance, especially during these times of uncertainty and change in education. Unlearning is the key. Perception is not reality.
Overlearning In this article we examine ‘overlearning’ and how educators can achieve a level of ‘mastery’ where ‘the successful outcome of any maneuver is never in doubt.'
Situational Awareness As flying tests the capability of humans to accurately perceive reality and therefore respond effectively, the teaching processes should no less accurately interpret the learning progress of students and equally seek to provide an effective instructional response.
(archives...) |
Chief Learning Officer The principal as Chief Learning Officer and 'leader of leaders' is the wave of educational leadership for high-performing schools. It requires new thinking, new beliefs, and new practices, and places a diminishing value on hierarchical and bureaucratic practices as currently exists in many schools today.
Formative Leadership Tip of the Month:
Become an instructional leader! The principal as Chief Learning Officer must stay abreast of current instructional thought and practices. High-performing principals understand current teaching models, strategies, and best practices, as they relate to student learning and achievement. To the CLO, instruction is priority #1!